Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Council for Volunary Service
Christine Blythe
Development Officer
Email: Christine.Blythe@bprcvs.co.uk
Tel: 01282 416146
Rachel Kay-Shuttleworth Building, 62/64 Yorkshire Street, Burnley, BB11 3BT
BPRCVS was a Take Part Pathfinder
Carol Packham
Director Community Audit and Evaluation Centre
Tel: 0161 247 2134
Email: c.packham@mmu.ac.uk
Institute of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University, 799 Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester, M20 277
Director of the Take Part Network
An independent consultancy specialising in community engagement, community development and active citizenship, based in the West Midlands.
City of York Council
Mora Scaife
Principal Neighbourhood Manager
Email: mora.scaife@york.gov.uk
Tel: 01904 551 834
City of York Council, Library Square, York, YO1 7DU
Take Part York was a project to encourage children and young people to get involved in local democracy. It aimed to give children and young people the confidence and experience to feel that they can inflluence decisions that affect them.
Cnet (Bradford Community Network)
John Corbishley
Chief Executive
Email: contact@cnet.org.uk
Michael Pascal
Community Development worker
Email: muppett@cnet.org.uk
Tel: 01274 305045
CNet, Centre for Enterprise, 114 - 116 Manningham Lane, Bradford, BD8 7JF
Bradford's Take Part project was based at CNet and mainly covered the areas of Girlington & Scholemoor but there were also district wide parts to the project.
Case study:
Communities Scotland
The Scottish Executive agency, working with others to ensure decent housing and strong communities
Community Audit and Evaluation Centre
The Community Audit and Evaluation Centre undertakes participatory research and evaluations of services and organisations for example Local Authorities, Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) Partnerships, Health Care Trusts, the Private and Voluntary Sector.
Community Development Exchange
The UK-wide membership organisation for community development.
Community Development Foundation
A non-departmental public body supported by DCLG and the leading source of intelligence, guidance and delivery on community development in England and across the UK.
Community Matters
Community Matters is the nationwide federation for community associations and similar organisations, with more than 1100 member organisations across the UK. Originally established as the National Federation of Community Associations in 1945, Community Matters has played a key role in promoting and supporting action by ordinary people in response to social, educational and recreational needs in their neighbourhoods and communities.
Community Pride Unit/ Take Part Salford
Ocia Koranteng
Community Pride Community Link Worker
Tel: 0161 236 9321 (option 3)
Email: ociak@church-poverty.org.uk
Central Building, Oldham Street, Manchester, M1 1JQ
Dave Eatock
Community Pride Community Link Worker
Tel: 0161 247 2152/ 2114
Mob: 07951 312914
Email: D.Eatock@mmu.ac.uk
The Community Pride Unit, a project based at the charity Church Action on Poverty, delivered the Salford Take Part Pathfinder programme.
Case study:
Comunities and Local Government
The Department for Communities and Local Government funds the Take Part network as part of its policy to promote community empowerment